Monday, December 20, 2010

Sweet Monday ♥

hello peep (: , I'm super bored now so I'm here to update post for today as baby was not free to update it .
As for today as usual morning text from him ^^  , with his sweet good morning text . Hmms , as this while we have some misunderstanding , quarrelling , and others . So yea we still kept on moving . Baby saying why am i so sensitive about small things , and i kept wonder that too , phfft ~ Maybe because i kept thinking negatively , and jealous because of something . Because you are mine . That is why I'm scared of losing you . So in the afternoon just now , meet baby under my void deck . He cut his hair ((: , so cute lah baby ^^ , hmms . baby always says why whenever i meet him , im doesn't talk much , but in message i talk a lot . Hahahaha (: , i finish all my chapter thru msg lah baby . Hee . Talk , chit chat with baby , laugh here and there . Guess what , go for 2.4km with baby again just now . hahas . Okay baby kept on singing this song & baby says to me where is my promises ? i laugh (: , because he still rmbr that between you & me knw baby . Hee , then we go walk walk . umms after that baby have to go to scape just now  playing soccer . so meet baby not that long ): boohoo . sadsad . Just awhile i already miss baby . Gaah ~ i just felt wrong . i just make someone hurt . you knw who ryte baby ?  haishh . Forget it . Hmms before he go , a last kiss from baby , and both go their way . Just to let you knw baby that I love you not only for who you are , but for what i am when im with you , I love you not only for what you have made of yourself  , but for what you making of me , I love you for the part of me that you bring ♥
Iloveyouhsomuchsweet ♥
Loves Fazyraah Akemi

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