Monday, December 13, 2010

HEY , HELLO , HOLLA , HI , phffft , im here to update furh today , as bby cnt update it . bt its alryte (: 
Grr , see that picture up there ? GAHHHHH ~ i miss him laaaa . SUMPAH TAK TIPU ):  , having fun whenever im out with him , he so kecoh , funny . Hmmm , i nk meet him laaa puhlease . kay laa , story furh today , bby text me in the morning as usual . then im out to vivo with aunt family & my family  , And bby going to scape aderh bola . At around 9+ bby text me says that he finish alrydy . hmmm . so blablablaa . kayy dabez citerr . NOW NK GO TIDO . good nite ^^ 

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