Saturday, December 11, 2010

Good Morning Cinta ♥

Heyy Good morning peeps , and good morning CINTA ♥ . Baby really kept his promise , he text me just now morning at 10:26 am (: , GAHH ~ iloveyouhbby  . later afternoon going to my aunt cuzin wedding at jurong east . mcm mls jek nak pergi -.-'' . nvm just go jek laa . so bby , jgn gtl2 ouhkaaay . CANDYFLOSS love that word . coz he sweet like candyfloss . hmmms , kayy lorr nth much to sayy . toodles . bby da bace text me ouhkay . grrr . bucuk blom mandy :), hahaha . lalalallalala ~ ltr mlm ganna upload the pic we took yesterday kay . BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ~

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