Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hellu people c:
Here to update this blog as its alredy half dead -.- 
So today is 20 february 2011 & 8 more days to our 9th monthsary ♥
See that pic up there ? CUTE right ? Of course its nuruddin . My boyfriend ^^ 
HAHAHAHA ! i dunt really know how old is he in this pic , but what i know is he super CUTE sia :p He looks like chinese kn ? yeaaah .   okaay , dahdah cukop . Umms today bhy text me abit late , as he says he just wake up . Haiyo that boy uhh sleep late jek tawu . Heehs .  okaay nvm . 
what i know is that iloveyouh bay ♥ 
Much love , Fazyraah Akemi 

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