Monday, December 27, 2010

Nuruddin here! ^^

My bhy tell me to "UPDATE"
Actually i have no time to do tis bt i had made a promised tat i will update soon, which is on today.

Yesterday it was my bad day and it pushed me to the breaking point.
 I actually told my bhy about the story yesterday and bhy cooled me down. Awww so swit of u bhy, without u bhy, i really duntnoe wat gonna do next bby :( 

Thats is for yesterday story, n now for todays story.
As for today it was my sad day *Not soo larh* as bhy go Malaysia - Johor Bahru, Hw sad ;( Actually bhy dont want to go, bt i've told my bhy to go there and have fun, Im happy that shes listen to me n happy that she went, "WHY!" Not because i am bad bhyy ; talk to a other girl, meet other girl, "NO!" cut off ur negative thinking. Bhyy, it is because you bby need some rest n to be happy as bhy faces alot of things happen to both of us. I want to see you bhy happy, n we stay strong n keep moving forward. Babyy.. I dont want happen to both of us as im still counting down our monthsary, just a few more days bhyy. Bhy hope that we stay together till the day we die.<3 I made this as a promise bhy. Insya'ALLAH.

Bhy if u finish reading bhy, msg i bhy.
Bby actually do it wat she surpose to do seyh bhy, and my bhy are so brave. I love u soo much bhy
Bby you noe wat i mean bhy

D'in Malms Theoddkids's Fazyrah Akemi

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