Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Looks down ^^
heey looks my bby so sweet kn ? (: 
iknow ryte . Anws im BACK !
Baby as i say every problems in life there is always a way to settle it baby .
So dont think bout it too much kaay . And yeeaah i promise youh that i will try not to think negatively alryte ?
Bt its kinda hard actually . hmms . aww so sweet baby . i taught youh dont even care bout me bt youh do . im in wrong baby . im sory alryte . & good youh kept your promises that youh update this blog ♥

obviously baby i will do my promise ,
and obviously i am brave ^^ heee 
youh know i know bt public donoe ^^ .

Fazyrah Akemi , D'in malms theoddkids property ♥

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