Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I just dunoe whats going on with my feeling now . I just dunoe whye im so upset even if the things that im thinking is already happen . was am i too late to stop that ? haishh . what a life . I hate having this kind of situation ryte now . I just dunwan bhy to think the wrong way of wht im thinking ryte now . kayy end of it . iloveyouh bhy

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 7Monthsary Baby boy ♥

Heyy Peeps ♥
Sory as yesterday im not free to update it , so yeaah  here i am to update furh today ^^
Umms , yesterday is new year ryte ? anws Happy New Yeaar everyone (: 
Guess what , yesterday is also my 7monthsary with baby boy ( nuruddin bin selamat ) ♥ bt sadly cnt meet baby yesterday . Boohoo ): , im so sorry dear , im out to chinatown amek bursary & went to marina buy skool bag . phfft ~ 

Dear Nuruddin ♥

Happy 7 Monthsary dear (:
Sometimes I don't know if I'm still worth it for the love you have given me ..
I don't know if i really deserve to be trusted again .
I know I've already betray that trust 
Bt im really trying to pick myself up and bring myself back to the same old me that you knew 
Sometimes i just feel that i don't deserve you anymore , we use to be happy & contented with our live was it just a test for us ? but i really don't know . hmms .

I've promise to you even before this relationship starts .
I promised that i would never leave you & you are the one that i want to spent the rest of my life with ♥
& I know we hurt each other before . & yet now we are still strong in this relationship .

dear baby boy . Hope we could last long , if possible last forever baby .
iloveyouh from the bottom of my heart & soul .

loves , fazyraah