Here the storys goes .. he used to be a stranger fr me before , and being my friend aftr that , he used to even be my ex coz of some misunderstnding . Because im in a wrong too but tht was last year .
Hmmms , after that both make their own move , till this year , we kept in touch back , texting each other even tht tyme he is with sumone , youh know who bby ^^ . teehee .. But guess what * wispered* IM IN LOVE WITH HIM THAT TYME ! bt tht tyme he was STILL with [insertname] , grrr jahat nyerh ako msg dgn mataey org -.-" ! HAHA ~ next step was meeting him , gaaahhh HIS SO CUTE LAAA ♥ on the first meet he bring me go walk2 , bhy rmbr 2.4km ? NYHAHAHA~
After that we kept on meeting ech other , laugh here there , joke here there . bt sad to hear when he was nt alrdy with [insertname] , i felt wrong bout that , was it my fault . grrr ! forget it .
bt first step is that we being a close friend first , tht i choose to express my feeling towards him . bt seriously malu seyhh nk send that msg to him , ltr he taught i SS ! Phffft . i taught he nvr reply , bt he reply laaaa ^^ suke nyerhh ako ; LOL ! .
aftr that incident he call me BHY ! weeee ~ tapi tht tyme masih lom mataey pon . so on the `010610 here we built a RELATIONSHIP ♥ sumpah dher sweet giler laaa . He fetch me bck home after school , bt sumtyme nt , bt meet him after school almost everydy . when it was on sat/sun he also meet me , sampai lmbt gy maen bola , mcm2 excuse dher bilang kwn dher , hah . after day by day , month by month there is quite alot of plm . haishhh . some misunderstng tht we have to faces . pblm that may cause tears to drop . bt wht to do , which r/s that does nt have a fight ryte bhy ? hmm . Bt pity bby , he have to faces all this and to handle all this . grr im sory bby furh nt tht undrstd youh . phfft ~ just DOA kepada ALLAH and hope everything will settle fast (': , NURUDDIN BIN SELAMAT ! ILOVEYOUH ♥ * kisses *hugs* .